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Guide Stone
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Guide Stone
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Guide Stone
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Guide Stone
Dallas, TX


Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Job Connection website!

We at Calvary Chapel care about your life, both in and out of church. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us we’ll have tribulations or troubles in our lives. Sometimes this comes as a job loss or a time of transition. During these times, we’d like to be a resource for you.

On this website, (after you log in), you’ll find thousands of job opportunities in South Florida, as well as practical tools like a resume builder, resume samples, skill assessment tests, and information on free job skills webinars. You’ll also find Spiritual resources such as Pastoral care documents and a prayer network.

Please take some time to look through these resources. If you’d like to talk or you need someone to pray with you as you walk through this time of transition, please e-mail us at JobMinistry@CalvaryFTL.org.


Jym Kay
Assistant Pastor
Benevolence Ministry


This isn’t the way most of us read the Bible. Look at this scripture and compare it to your personal practice. First, you’re told to look at the scripture very carefully, making sure not to miss a single thing, as if it’s a research process rather than a casual read. Then you’re instructed to be faithful to it -- to put it to work in your life. Next you’re told to go back and read it again to find added insights, and keep up this process to get better at it. That’s the behavior that delivers the blessing. That’s where your success will be found. Anything less than that and the wisdom you receive is likely to be “in one ear and out the other.” Heedless listener or active doer -- you choose!


  • I look carefully into the Word of God expecting to find my answers there.
  • By faith I will concentrate on the Word and apply what I learn in my life.
  • I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning in the Word as it applies to me personally.

Word of the Day

But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience). (AMP)

James 1:25

By Barb Palmer, Employed for Life