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HCA Healthcare
Margate, FL
HCA Healthcare
Margate, FL
HCA Healthcare
Tamarac, FL
HCA Healthcare
Aventura, FL
HCA Healthcare
Davie, FL
HCA Healthcare
Aventura, FL
HCA Healthcare
Davie, FL
HCA Healthcare
Tamarac, FL

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Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Phillip Linder Attorney
Dallas, TX 75225
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX
Guide Stone
Dallas, TX


Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Job Connection website!

We at Calvary Chapel care about your life, both in and out of church. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us we’ll have tribulations or troubles in our lives. Sometimes this comes as a job loss or a time of transition. During these times, we’d like to be a resource for you.

On this website, (after you log in), you’ll find thousands of job opportunities in South Florida, as well as practical tools like a resume builder, resume samples, skill assessment tests, and information on free job skills webinars. You’ll also find Spiritual resources such as Pastoral care documents and a prayer network.

Please take some time to look through these resources. If you’d like to talk or you need someone to pray with you as you walk through this time of transition, please e-mail us at JobMinistry@CalvaryFTL.org.


Jym Kay
Assistant Pastor
Benevolence Ministry


Do you realize that you might be carrying a heavy load in your heart? Hurts, offenses, unhappy memories… it’s all unnecessary baggage. Most of us don’t have a clue what we’ve hidden deep in our hearts. Now would be a great time to unpack. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and find things you’ve hidden away that you no longer need. Let the baggage go so you’ll have plenty of room for the full, wonderful and perfect love of God. Invite God to do a work in your heart, and in your mind, and get you lined up with the Kingdom way of life. It’ll make the journey so much easier, and the experience of unemployment one of the best times of your life.


  • I willingly release all the baggage from my past.
  • I invite Jesus to come into my heart and heal all my past wounds and hurts.
  • I forgive freely because I have been freely forgiven.

Word of the Day

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me. (AMP)

Psalm 51:10

By Barb Palmer, Employed for Life